Alexandria Amphora Study Centre

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CEAlex - UAR 3134

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Introduction Amphorae Stamped Handles Lexicon of Rhodian stamp dies Bulletin amphorique General Bibliography On-line resources Site map Update

Stamped amphora handles

Building the database
Defining the matrices
Lexicon of Rhodian stamps dies eponyms and fabricants
Amphora stamps of Delos

Search in the data base

Rhodian Eponyms: 259 eponyms, 8046 dies on line
Rhodian Fabricants : 449 producers, 4669 dies on line
Dies with 2 names eponym-fabricant on line : 117
Dies with 2 names fabricant-fabricant on line : 3

The dies of Rhodian stamps are presented in alphabetical order with month names and without months at the end of the list. The dies of all the Rhodian eponyms are introduced here, followed by dies of the Rhodian fabricants.

NB A great number of the dies presented here come from the Benaki Collection of the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria and from the excavations of the CEAlex in Alexandria. They are complemented by other dies from other collections and museums (general collections of the Graeco-Roman Museum and Delos Museum, excavations other than in Alexandria, articles and studies both published and unpublished, etc.). The chronology of Rhodian eponyms is based on Finkielsztejn 2001, p. 196, table 22.1.

Two forms are available on this page for querying the database.. The fisrt form (which distinguishes between eponyms and manufacturers) offers you lists of names, and a search by name and month or by period. The second form allows you to carry out an advanced search using several criteria

Simple query form

You can search the database using the Latin or Greek name of the eponym or fabricant (enter a character string from the name you are looking for in the input field - write in capital letters), using a period or from the list of eponyms or fabricants online.

Eponyms Fabricants
Search by name
you can restrict the display to matrices for a given month by entering the month's name in the field

Greek name of the eponym

Month name

Greek name of the fabricant

Month name

Latin name of the eponym

Month name

Latin name of the fabricant

Month name

Search on the period

choose a period from the list

choose a period from the list


see the list of Rhodian eponyms online

see the list of Rhodian fabricants online

Stamps with two names

Stamps eponym-fabricant, sorted by eponym

Stamps eponym-fabricant, sorted by fabricant

Stamps fabricant-fabricant, sorted by first fabricant

Advanced query form

The database will be searched using all the selected criteria. For the name, enter the character string that can be read on the stamp in the input field (write in capital letters). Missing character strings within the word should be replaced with the % symbol (e.g. ΑΓΕ%O). There is no need to put the % symbol at the beginning or end of the string.

Search for a die in the database using a stamp description



Device-1 Device-2


Stamp shape

Type of letters - 1 Type of letters - 2

Type of inscription

Direction of the inscription - 1

Direction of the inscription - 2

position of the inscription

placement of the inscription

secondary stamp

stamp of the month



amphores MGR