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ChronAmphora - A critical amphora chronicle


Jean-Yves Empereur

The amphora chronicle that we wish to propose is designed to give notice as quickly as possible of the appearance of publications concerning amphoras and storage vases in general. Monographs and articles will be considered depending on the geographic and chronological competence of our reviewers. As far as is possible conferences will be advertised as well as specialist research as it happens (PhDs, MAs etc.). We are not however proposing a list of ongoing exacavations, but a bibliographic base.

Total coverage is, we know, a dream, however, we already have a solid team of contributors that will grow. We have gathered together colleagues at home in, among other languages, Arabic, Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Romanian, Russian, Ukranian and Turkish. Soon other specialists fluent in yet other languages spoken along the shores the Mediterranean will join us. We hope to provide useful information for the historian and archaeologist specialising in ancient and medieval ceramics. Of course, the time scale is huge, from the Archaic Greek period, indeed perhaps before, up until the Ottoman era. Our geographic limits are a function of the competence of our writers, that is to say the Near East, Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean n general, as well as the Black Sea. Never the less, should the opportunity arrive we would never refuse any adventures into the Western Mediterranean if it was felt necessary. All the more so because, as far as we know, there is no on-line amphora chronicle for this part of the ancient world.

The obvious advantage of a digital publication over a traditional one is the speed in delivery of information and the ease of working together as a group open for non-stop discussion. This is noticeably aided by Amphora, the distribution list of amphora specialists. Another advantage, and no lesser, is an indexing of information that can avoid the constraints of a rigid classification and thus create a cumulative database of specialist reviews, without an arbitrary slicing up into chronological chunks. Thus we will simply post the reviews in their order of arrival. This Chronicle will allow one to read directly the latest reviews while still have access to the totality of the information.

The languages to be used in the reviews will be above all English and French, though also German, Spanish and Italian. The tone should be one of respectful and polite criticism.

For more information, contact the webmaster:
Should we have missed an article, please let us know of the omission and we will try to rectify it as soon as possible. You can also send us your publicatiosn either in electronic format to the webmaster, or as printed matter to the following address:
Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines, Maison de l'Orient, 7 rue Raulin, 69007 Lyon, France

Abbreviations of publication titles follows that of Année Philologique

Authors’ initials
PB = Pascale Ballet; DD = Delphine Dixneuf; JYE = Jean-Yves Empereur; GF = Gérald Finkielstejn; GCS = Gonca Cankardes Senol; AKS = Ahmet Kaan Senol; SM = Sylvie Marchand; MP = Mikaël Pesenti

Copyright : © 2008 CEAlex, Centre d'Études Alexandrines, Alexandrie
Publisher : Jean-Yves Empereur
Editors-in-Chief: Kaan Senol & Gonca Senol
webmaster : webmaster.chronamphora@amphoralex.org


Français English